Going Bag-LESS - take it one step further
Photo: Coastal Living
Wondering what else you can do to help reduce waste by going Bag-LESS?
You can start by taking this pledge to go plastic free. Other simple tips include asking the manager of your favorite store to switch to a “bags on request” policy. You can also talk to your local government to see if your area is plastic bag free. Check out my post on this subject HERE for more info.
Make sure to pass along info about going Bag-LESS to your family and friends - you may even want to consider giving them a few reusable bags to get them started. Need a few bags to pass out? Check out this awesome list below to download of my favorite reusable bags. And share the fun!
Post a pic of yourself going Bag-LESS and tag me @kim_Ecohabits for a chance to win an adorable LOVE reusable bag set. Be sure to stay tuned for my upcoming post on how to go completely Bag-LESS by ditching plastic food wrap and baggies.