Sept Recap
“Some old fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.”
October's Everyday Eco-Habit: Going Emissions-LESS!
October 3rd marks California’s first Clean Air Day. It is also National Walk to School Day, making October an ideal month to recognize the environmental and human need for clean air by adopting the Everyday Eco-Habit of Going Emissions-LESS. One of the coolest things about this Eco-Habit is there are SO many different ways to do it. A great place to start is to take the Coalition for Clean Air Pledge.
Going Coffee Cup-LESS for #NationalCoffeeDay
In honor of National Coffee Day on September 29, we adopted the Everyday Eco-Habit of Going Coffee Cup-LESS, which tied in nicely to September's Eco-Habit of Going Litter-LESS. Just last year, roughly 624,878 plastic lids were collected during International Coastal Clean-up Day, some of which probably came from the over 25 billion polystyrene single-use, disposable coffee cups Americans throw away each year. Many of you participated in September 15th’s cleanup day and I bet you saw some of these cups and lids. We can do our part to stem the tide of coffee cup litter by simply bringing our own reusable coffee cup instead of using a single-use disposable coffee cup. Check out my fav reusable coffee cups, including the Klean Kanteen insulated spill-proof cup I am sporting in this picture with My Green Friends Kim and Jen.
And the Winner of our Going Litter-LESS Giveaway is . . .
Congratulations to My Green Friend, Katy Greene-Williams, who tagged us in her effort to Pick Up Three on the beach this month. She won a reusable Stash It bag from My Green Friend, Love Reusable Bags.
Wondering How International Clean-Up Day
Went This Year?
My Green Friend Lauren, an environmental educator, had an awesome time participating in International/ Coastal Clean-up Day this year with her husband and two young children. She is my guest blogger and would love to tell you more about her experience and the results of Clean-Up Day throughout the world.