hi. I'm KIM
And I want to show you how easy it is to protect our earth.
I have spent my whole career trying to change the world by making the earth a little greener. What I’ve learned along the way is there are super simple “Eco-Habits" anyone can adopt that collectively make a HUGE difference to protecting our earth! So I started this blog, dedicated to inspiring “Everyday Eco-Habits for Everyday People,” like you and me. Here’s how it works:
I give you all the information and tools you need so that, by the end of the month, that simple action will have become your new “Eco-Habit" and you won’t even think twice about it going forward- it will just be whatcha do. Then you can tackle a new Eco-Habit the next month, and so on and so on. Before you know it, you will have adopted a bunch of Eco-Habits to help you live a lot greener with little to no extra effort or cash out of your pocket. In fact, you may even save some green while you live green!
You do not need any special skill or even extra time and it doesn’t matter where you live and what your income is.
You just need to be open to small tweaks in your habits that add up to big effects.
You game? I am available every step of the way and have pulled in all sorts of my green friends to share their eco-wisdom and inspiration.
I look forward to the journey with you to make our earth just a wee bit better off . .

The Latest on the Blog
The world is HOT right now. And, yes, I’m talking temperature. The Amazon rainforest is on fire, funerals are being held for melted glaciers, and I’m sweating just thinking about it all. The world temperature is steadily creeping up and, if it continues, scientists predict catastrophic events will start happening. A little scary, right?!
“Refuse single use and do your part to be mindful of this wonderful place we call home.”
Hey Hey! It’s September! Time to buckle down and get your head in the game. And wherever you’re headed, you gotta stay hydrated! That’s why this month’s Everyday Eco-Habit is Going Bottle-LESS - single-use, plastic Bottle-LESS of course!
We’re way beyond hoping for miracle inventions, and this is way bigger than asking for no straw or bringing our own bags and water bottles. The plastic crisis is real, and the message to manufacturers is that we need plastic-free, and we need it yesterday…
Let’s REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE any school supplies we can to help protect our environment and our kids’ health - and also save a little $green$ while we’re at it. Don’t have kids, or don’t have kids in school? That’s ok. You can use most or all of these tips at work or in your home office too.
I had the opportunity to chat with My Green Friend, Desiree, Beautycounter extraordinaire, about the importance of clean, safe sunscreen.
As a consultant for Beauty Counter and the founder of Clean Beach Living, Desiree knows a lot about clean sunscreen and clean beauty in general.
Sunscreen. It’s something you probably don’t think too much about until you’re running out the door to enjoy a day outdoors. Unfortunately, this simple cosmetic product, multiplied by billions of people, can cause detrimental harm to the ocean
catch up on all the Everyday Eco-Habits Here
The world is HOT right now. And, yes, I’m talking temperature. The Amazon rainforest is on fire, funerals are being held for melted glaciers, and I’m sweating just thinking about it all. The world temperature is steadily creeping up and, if it continues, scientists predict catastrophic events will start happening. A little scary, right?!
Hey Hey! It’s September! Time to buckle down and get your head in the game. And wherever you’re headed, you gotta stay hydrated! That’s why this month’s Everyday Eco-Habit is Going Bottle-LESS - single-use, plastic Bottle-LESS of course!
Let’s REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE any school supplies we can to help protect our environment and our kids’ health - and also save a little $green$ while we’re at it. Don’t have kids, or don’t have kids in school? That’s ok. You can use most or all of these tips at work or in your home office too.
Sunscreen. It’s something you probably don’t think too much about until you’re running out the door to enjoy a day outdoors. Unfortunately, this simple cosmetic product, multiplied by billions of people, can cause detrimental harm to the ocean
Going Idle-LESS means just turning your car off instead of idling. This Everyday Eco-Habit turns out to be one of the most effective ways to create a healthier environment. Simple. Easy. Save the Planet. Done.
What better way to celebrate our earth in April than adopting the Everyday Eco-Habit of Going Water-LESS!
Have you hopped on the Marie Kondo bandwagon and cleaned out your closets? I did and was surprised at how many clothes I had completely forgotten about! It was as if I had just gone on a shopping spree.
I made a pledge to myself right then and there – no new clothes for 2019!
I want to continue our Everyday Eco-Habit journey in the kitchen by going Food Waste-LESS. Believe it or not, food waste is a major cause of global climate change, wastes precious natural resources, not to mention wasting your money!
This year, my goal is to help you make even more “everyday” choices to create a better environment, and a better you. So, let’s begin our journey into 2019 by Going Meat-LESS. Not only will this make our earth healthier, but it will make our bodies healthier too. Remember, my blog is focused on simple, “Everyday” Eco-Habits, so I’m not asking you to give up meat completely, or even the entire month (unless you want to!).
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! I love getting together with friends and loved ones, decorating the house, holiday music, and of course finding that perfect gift to show someone how much they mean to me. This season, let’s show the earth how much it means to us too by adopting the Everyday Eco-Habit of Going Holiday Waste-LESS to make the Holidays a little easier on the earth.
November is here and that means it’s time for Thanksgiving. It’s truly one of my favorite holidays because it’s all about family - and food:) The best part? Leftovers! Believe it or not, how you store your food, including your sister-in-law’s extra sweet potato casserole and your cousin’s secret gravy, has an impact on the environment - and your health. That’s why this month our Everyday Eco-Habit is Going Wrap-LESS.
Halloween is upon us, and you may be wondering how you can enjoy Halloween without “freaking” out our eco-system. It turns out 40 million kids trick or treating each year ends up being quite an environmental nightmare from all the candy wrapper waste, toxin laden make-up painted on faces, single-use costumes, and single-use decorations.
I want to encourage you not to be overwhelmed by climate change or to get dismayed by the politics surrounding it. Instead, just do your “Everyday Person” part by adopting the Everyday Eco-Habit of Going Emissions-LESS. As with the other Eco-Habits, I promise this too is easy. And one of the coolest (yes, pun intended again:) things about this Eco-Habit is there are SO many different ways to do it.
I hope you join me in celebrating National Coffee Day by Going Coffee Cup-LESS. It’s a perfect way to end this month’s Everyday Eco-Habit of Going Litter-LESS.
Litter seems especially prevalent at the end of summer because so many of us spend time in the great outdoors. That is why September’s Everyday Eco-Habit is going “Litter-Less."
Eco-Habit #2! This month, we’re focusing on going Bag-LESS, specifically going plastic Bag-LESS.
Let’s start our journey to protect our planet with a single straw.